The proposed project to establish the Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam is by far the best, most hopeful and exciting thing that has happened to Tamils in a long while. It gives us hope at a time when our kith and kin are being illegally held in detention camps under appalling conditions and subjected to starvation and medical neglect.
It gives us hope at a time when Tamil families are being torn apart, children and women are being subjected to sexual abuse, and young adults are being tortured and even unlawfully killed by the Sri Lankan security forces. It gives us hope at a time when our lands are being illegally expropriated by the rapacious Sri Lankan state and Sinhalese from distant places are being illegally settled there to change the demography of the North and East of the island.
It gives us hope at a time when Buddhist structures are being built everywhere in an orgy of triumphalism. In other words the Sinhalese government of Sri Lanka is not only acting illegally and without limits but is doing so with impunity.
Under these circumstances the most effective means of countering the continuing atrocities is through engaging those in the international community who are genuinely committed to protecting human rights through a credible and democratically constituted high profile organization that enjoys the confidence of the Tamil-speaking people in the island and the support of the Tamils the world over.
The proposed Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam will have the right credentials to enter into dialogue with the international community with a view to winning support for pursuing the Tamil people’s aspirations to enjoy freedom, security and self-determination in the island of Sri Lanka.
Why Tamils Need To Project A United Front Under A Democratic Framework
The international community remained silent while the government of Sri Lanka committed war crimes and crimes against humanity perpetrating a continuing genocide on the Tamil-speaking people in the island. In the absence of a popular democratic global Tamil organization to dialogue with and serve as a channel of communication with the rest of the world the situation is not getting any better. On the contrary the government of Sri Lanka is getting more brazen in its attitude.
We cannot allow this unsatisfactory situation to continue while extra judicial killings and unlawful imprisonment of our people grow inexorably, while the Tamil-speaking people are deprived of fundamental freedoms including civil, political and human rights and a quality of life that are basic under the norms of good governance.
If this situation is allowed to continue unchecked it will result in the total annihilation of the Tamil nation. Under these circumstances the Tamil Diaspora needs to come together sink any differences that may have existed among them and take concerted and urgent steps to establish an internationally acceptable organization.
Setting Up A Credible And High Profile Organization
Last June, an Advisory Committee comprising persons of distinction with empathy for the Tamils and an intimate knowledge of the history of the persecution of Tamils in Sri Lanka was tasked to draw up proposals for establishing the Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam. The Advisory Committee’s report and recommendations were released in mid January 2010 on Thai Pongal day.
The report is well researched. It lucidly presents essential historical facts with courage and candor. It lays down the parameters of the Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam and spells out the steps that need to be taken to implement the project in a logical, democratic and transparent manner so as to earn not only the respect and recognition of the international community but also the confidence of the Tamil-speaking people in Sri Lanka. We extend our hearty congratulations to the Advisory Committee for a job well done.
It’s vital that we come together and do everything within our power to popularize and support this praiseworthy venture and ensure its speedy and successful implementation. It is only by all Tamils joining together to support the project and working in concert to make it function smoothly and efficiently that the proposed Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam will have the requisite democratic credentials and political stature to be taken seriously by the United Nations and the international community.
Hence I urge everyone to read the report, digest it and make it your personal and sacred duty to actively encourage your Tamil and non-Tamil friends alike to share your dreams of establishing Tamil Eelam and a better future for all Tamil-speaking people in the island.
The Popular Democratic Mandate For The Liberation Struggle
We are all aware that all the Tamil political parties met in convention in Vaddukoddai in May 1976 to consider ways of ending 28 years of merciless persecution and discrimination at the hands of successive Sinhalese dominated governments.
The Convention unanimously adopted a resolution that read as follows: “Restoration and reconstitution of the Free, Sovereign and Secular state of Tamil Eelam based on the right of self-determination inherent to every nation, has become inevitable in order to safeguard the very existence of the Tamil Nation in this country”.
The same Vaddukoddai Convention also declared as follows. (1) The State of Tamil Eelam shall consist of the people of the Northern and Eastern provinces;
(2) The State of Tamil Eelam shall ensure full and equal rights of citizenship to all Tamil-speaking people living in any part of Ceylon;
(3) The State of Tamil Eelam shall extend citizenship rights to Tamils of Eelam origin living in any part of the world who may opt for citizenship of Tamil Eelam;
(4) The constitution of Tamil Eelam shall be based on the principle of democratic decentralization so as to ensure the non-domination of any religious or territorial community of Tamil Eelam by any other section.
(5) In the State of Tamil Eelam caste shall be abolished and the observance of pernicious practices of untouchability or inequality of any type based on birth shall be totally eradicated and its observance in any form punished by law.
(6) Tamil Eelam shall be a secular state giving equal protection and assistance to all religions to which the people of the state may belong.
The clearly forward thinking Vaddukoddai Resolution was not only approved unanimously by the Convention but was subsequently presented to the Tamil nation as the TULF party political platform in the general elections of 1977 and overwhelmingly endorsed by the entire Tamil nation in a free and fair vote.
Changing Complexion Of Peaceful Democratic Protests
The Tamil-speaking people’s democratic Gandhian style protests against state sponsored genocidal policies and pogroms began in the mid 1950s. Over time and in response to the worsening and unbearable cruelty inflicted on Tamil civilians by the Sinhalese police and military the complexion of democratic protests changed to armed self-defensive resistance by the LTTE against repeated Sinhalese onslaught.
It is indeed sad to record that the international community watched in silence the continued oppression and violence perpetrated on the Tamils. It is indeed sad to record that some countries gave their tacit support and even military hardware and intelligence to the oppressor to destroy the LTTE by merely branding it a “terrorist” organization thereby leaving the Tamils entirely unprotected. Such unjustifiable action by the international community contributed to the ever mounting Tamil civilian death toll and the wholesale slaughter of an estimated 48,000 innocent Tamil civilians at Mullivaikaal in the final forty-eight hours of the war.
We Need To Inform, Educate And Engage The International Community
Against the backdrop of such injustice the Tamils have found it necessary to redouble their efforts and come together through a democratic process to collectively present candid and irrefutable facts to the international community and persuade them to see the truth behind the Tamil nation’s persecution and resulting struggle for liberation and self-determination.
We cannot tarry any further to help break the silence of the international community by showing them that our struggle is firmly rooted in an overwhelming democratic mandate delivered via a free and fair vote. We need to get the international community to break its silence and demonstrate compassion for the Tamils by supporting the Tamil people’s struggle for human rights, freedom, security and self-determination. The recent action by the European Union to withdraw “GSP plus” privileges from Sri Lanka is ample proof that this can be done. We salute all the Tamils and Tamil organizations that fought hard to achieve this.
Martin Luther King is quoted as having said, “Even long after the taunting words of the cruel oppressor have been forgotten, one will always remember only the silence of one’s friends”.
We cannot allow our friends in the international community and organizations, which espouse an enduring commitment for human rights and democracy to remain silent while our kith and kin, are being sexually abused, tortured and slaughtered with impunity.
Acting Within and With The Support Of The Law
The Advisory Committee has assured us that the project to establish the Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam will conform to international laws and the laws of the democracies that host the Tamil Diaspora.
The Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam the Pride of the Tamils
The Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam is the pride of the Tamils for the following additional reasons.
(a) It is built on a firm foundation of transparency, democracy and human rights.
(b) It is designed to embrace all Tamil-speaking people wherever they may have been born or chosen to live.
(c) It encourages Tamils to forge closer and stronger ties with all Tamil-speaking people especially the Muslims.
(d) It hurdles all religious boundaries and gender distinctions.
(e) It reaffirms and proclaims to the world our faith in the universal truth that we are all children of God.
(f) It reaffirms our acceptance of the principle that all of us have equal rights under law and a shared responsibility to uphold the law.
(g) It aims to provide equal rights to all of us to enjoy peace with security while we pursue prosperity and the well-being of our future generations.
Urgent Need To Establish Tamil Eelam
At present Tamils of Sri Lanka have lost the land they called home – their motherland, and are dispersed all over the world, just like the Jews were at one time not long ago. They must act to facilitate the long-term development and growth of their motherland so as to ensure that it is not lost forever for current and future generations. Tamils outside and inside the island are stakeholders and therefore must act on this.
It is not difficult to see that the establishment of Tamil Eelam as a model state based on democracy, freedom of thought and expression, the rule of law and respect for human rights will throw open the door to endless possibilities to support the future growth and prosperity of all Tamil-speaking people throughout the world. For instance the world has come to recognize that the founding of the state of Israel in 1948 transformed the outlook and ensured the future well being of Jews who had for centuries suffered persecution throughout the world.
As such there is no denying that the successful implementation of the proposal to establish the Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam will help Tamils throughout the world to work towards the establishment of Tamil Eelam as a means for Tamils to not only realize their full potential but also contribute towards creating a better and more just society in the island.
Steps For Establishing The Transnational Government Of Tamil Eelam
It is proposed to take the following democratic and transparent steps. 1. Form a Transnational Constituent Assembly to draw up a Constitution for the Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam.
2. The Transnational Constituent Assembly will comprise 135 members of whom 115 will be elected directly and democratically from the Tamil Diaspora living in 16 of 26 regions worldwide. Due to logistical considerations such as small and diffused population or difficulty of access the balance 20 members will be nominated from the remaining regions.
3. Simultaneously with drafting the constitution the Constituent Assembly would also design the organizational structure of the Transnational Government with a view to addressing the most pressing needs of the Tamil-speaking people of the island. Canadian Tamil Membership Quota
Canada having the largest presence in the Diaspora has been assigned the largest quota of 25 members - all elected. It is important to note that with a view to promoting the active participation by women and youth, no less than ten (10) places will be reserved for them (no less than 5 places for women and no less than 5 places for youth).
Proposed Election Date
The Country Working Group has recently announced that voting will take place on Sunday 2nd May 2010.
Procedures For The Election Process
1. Country Working Groups and Secretariats have already been established to facilitate the conduct of fair and free election in the various regions where Eelam Tamil Diaspora lives.
2. Country Secretariats are busy performing the various tasks needed to plan and conduct the electoral process and implement other essential programs.
3. Country Working Groups will also establish independent Election Commissions to (a) establish a voter registration system; (b) receive applications from those wishing to be candidates for the Constituent Assembly; and (c) count the votes and announce the results.
4. Such Country Working Groups have been active in reaching out and engaging the local Tamil organizations and Tamil people including political leaders, the media and other key figures in civil society to explain the concept of the Transnational Government and solicit support.
Voter Eligibility
1. Eligible voters shall be connected to Tamil Eelam by descent, marriage, adoption or naturalization.
2. Voters must have reached their seventeenth (17th) birthday by Election Day (May 2nd 2010). Voter eligibility shall be evaluated by the election officials prior to or on the day of the election.
Objectives Of The Transnational Government Of Tamil Eelam
The Constituent Assembly will frame the Constitution of the Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam taking into consideration the following.
(1) The primary objective of the Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam is to establish itself as a respected democratic institution with worldwide support from Tamil-speaking people.
(2) To help the Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam to evolve as a power center for the global Tamil community
(3) To develop its institutional capacity to function as a parallel government providing economic, political, moral and diplomatic support for the Tamil-speaking people both in the island and throughout the world.
(4) Need to incorporate a “Recall Provision” to remove from membership through a referendum those elected members who are deemed to pursue policies that go detrimental to the best interests of the Tamil people.
For the Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam to fulfill its role effectively it needs the recognition of the following four actors, namely, (a) The Eelam Tamil Diaspora,
(b) The Tamil-speaking people in our homeland,
(c) The global Tamil-speaking community,
(d) The international community.
Diplomacy The Means
The Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam will use diplomacy as a means to influence people and win friends in the international community to achieve its aims.
To ensure the success of the Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam in winning the human rights and the right to self-determination of Tamils we must all come together by making a conscious and sincere effort to sink our differences in the interests of achieving the greater good of the Tamil-speaking people.
Have One Dream and Let’s Work As One to Achieve It
We have one dream. Let us organize ourselves to strengthen bonds, reach out to others, win friends and earn the goodwill of the international community towards realizing this dream. Only by working together can this be achieved.
We Have A Duty To Turn Tragedy Into Action
We It is nearly one year since the greatest tragedy of all struck the Tamil nation. Yet we have an opportunity to turn tragedy into positive action to resurrect the Tamil nation and give it new life and set it on a winning path. Let us dedicate ourselves to working together to fulfill this wonderful dream.
Let all of us dutifully and patriotically cast our votes on Sunday May 2nd 2010to elect the Canadian representatives to the democratically elected Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam. May God bless Tamil Eelam and the Tamil-speaking people!
S. B. Sri-Skanda-Rajah PhD (Cambridge) Tamil Eelam Advocacy Group (Dedicated to working in concert with compassionate people the world over To establish Tamil Eelam by persuasively presenting candid facts about the deprivation of human rights of Eelam Tamils and their continuing genocide) Reference: Report titled “Formation of a Provisional Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam (Released on 14 January 2010)
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