Friday, November 27, 2009

Let’s unite and fight the psychological war on Tamils: LTTE Intelligence

Rather than focusing on the stories about Ram and Nagulan and the information provided by them, it is more important to focus on the motives of the Sri Lankan government in orchestrating a complete decimation of the Tamil struggle using them as their vehicle, says LTTE Intelligence wing.
A media release by the LTTE's Department of Intelligence brings out the truth behind the incidents related to Ram and Nagulan. Media Release:
Our dearest and respectful Tamils, The LTTE Intelligence wing would like to inform that the recent incidents and misinformation perpetrated by Mr Ram and Mr Nagulan, who were our former commanders, have to be clarified, and the truths to be brought to the public attention at this crucial stage of our struggle. We would like to reiterate to our people that more importance should be directed towards the motives of the Sri Lankan government in orchestrating a complete decimation of the Tamil struggle rather than focusing on the information provided by Ram and Nagulan as their vehicles.
In the latter part of May 2009, Ram and his group left Ampara district and moved into Batticaloa. During this period, Nagulan joined Ram and his group. Over the next few months, members of Ram’s group reduced in numbers due to various reasons including death during the struggle against the Sri Lankan army, disappearances, internal conflicts and surrendering to the government forces. It was obvious that Ram and his group could not sustain the struggle against the government forces, and thus Ram made contact with existing members of the LTTE’s intelligence wing who were operating in the Batticaloa district. With the assistance of the intelligence group, Ram, Nagulan and his group were shielded in the Batticaloa/ Vellaveli area. During this time, the Sri Lankan military intelligence came out with information that Ram and Nagulan are hiding in the vicinity of Batticaloa/ Vellaveli. This caused immense struggle for the LTTE intelligence operatives and supporters to provide safety for Ram and his group.
The head of the Batticaloa intelligence wing, Prabha was in Vanni at the final stages of the war. He managed to make his move towards Batticaloa and was in close contact with his fellow intelligence operatives who were providing safety for Ram and his group. Prabha was also in close contact with Thavendran, another intelligence operative who was believed to be in the Trincomalee district. Prabha informed Ram and Nagulan that Thavendran will be able to make the necessary arrangements to make his way to Batticaloa.
But Thavendran, who surrendered to the Sri Lankan forces in Mullivaikal, was suspected of collaborating with the Sri Lankan army and it was confirmed by a number of inmates who managed to escape from captivity. Prabha, who was in an extreme hostile situation at the time, was unable to verify or analyse this information and believed Thavendran to be acting in the best interest of him and his group. It is important to understand the background of Thavendran. Thavendran was born to a Sinhalese father, and was brought up in a Sinhalese area. His brothers are married to Sinhalese as well. Further, Thavendran can speak Sinhala fluently and these were some of the many reasons he was deployed in Trincomalee closer to Sinhalese settlements. Thavendran has also successfully completed numerous tasks in the Trincomalee region, which was one of many factors that led Prabha to believe the necessity of Thavendran’s assistance.
Based on this arrangement, Thavendran arrived with some of his Sinhalese friends to transport Prabha and his group. At this instance, Prabha realised that Thavendran was collaborating with the Sir Lankan army intelligence. The Sinhalese friends were in fact army intelligence officers. This is the first act by the Sri Lankan military intelligence targeting Ram and Nagulan. From instructions from the military intelligence Prabha made contact with Ram and his group informing them that Ram and Nagulan has to be relocated to a more secure area. Thavendran and Prabha coordinated the movement of Ram and Nagulan and later arrived with a group of Sinhalese friends in a “Hiace” van. Though the LTTE intelligence operatives in Batticaloa believed that the group which came with Prabha belonged to the Sri Lankan army, Prabha managed to convince them as his friends helping him in this operation.
It was alleged Ram and Nagulan were moved to a safe haven in the Trincomalee district. But no direct contact was made by Ram or his group until the time Ram made contact with LTTE operatives living abroad. Ram insisted that he wanted to lead the Tamil freedom struggle forward and requested financial and military aide. The Sri Lankan armed intelligence was so successful in devising this operation, which was widely portrayed as a brave and selfless act by Ram.
KP’s emergence as the leader of LTTE projected immense danger for the Sri Lankan government. The existence of KP and his ability to reorganize LTTE was seen as a major setback and threat to the Sinhalese chauvinists. However, a section of the LTTE opposed KP as their new leader, but Ram publicly supported KP’s leadership role and went to the extent of officially making statements. The positive relationship between KP and Ram led the Sri Lankan intelligence to close in on KP and abduct him.
Further, under instruction by the Sri Lankan army intelligence, Ram and Nagulan were in constant contact with international LTTE operatives causing internal conflicts and confusion amongst them and the Tamil Diaspora in general. In addition, it is clear that all details of these operatives have been provided to the government sources for other covert operations. In September 2009, information emerged that Ram has been in Sri Lankan army custody. This created immense pressure to the army as their secret mission was uncovered. In turn, on November 5th, the army announced that Ram has escaped from their “Minneria” army camp. On November 10th, the government further announced that Ram has been recaptured and was in government custody. During this period, Ram made telephone contact with one of our intelligence operatives and his narration of events was questionable. It is still unclear whether the Sri Lankan army intelligence is propagating a confusing message with the intention of side tracking and perplexing LTTE operatives.
Based on these events, we strongly believe Ram and Nagulan are being utilized by the Sri Lankan intelligence to psychologically destroy the re‐emergence of Tamil nationalism. In this context, the army intelligence have chosen the “heroes day” for Ram to provide his policy directive and the preferred topic chosen may be the contentious issue of martyrdom of our beloved national leader, His Excellency Vellupillai Pirabaharan. Currently, the Tamil Diaspora is divided into those that believe our national leader has attained martyrdom and those that believe he is still alive. This uncertainty will be instrumental to segregate the Tamil community in order for the government of Sri Lanka to eliminate any attempt towards reaching the ultimate goal of Tamil’s right for self determination. This form of psychological war upon our community should be viewed with caution, thus we request your fullest support and utmost vigilance during this challenging phase of our struggle. Thank you. Yours truly, Kathirkamathamby Arivazhakan, Head, External Affairs Wing, Department of Intelligence.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Tamil Refugees Held in Indonesia

Two hundred and fifty five asylum seekers from Sri Lanka have been forced to live in a small wooden boat in Indonesia since October 11th. The Tamil-speaking refugees were fleeing for their lives from Sri Lanka where a quarter of a million of their people are currently suffering in so-called “refugee camps”, in reality concentration camps.
The Tamil Solidarity campaign in association with others is calling for people around the world to send letters and emails of protest to Indonesian embassies’ around the world to support the refugees and their demands for their right to asylum in Australia.
Fleeing for their lives
The refugees originally went to Malaysia hoping to find asylum there, however they were informed that any Tamils living in Malaysia would be considered members of the terrorist LTTE organization by the Sri Lankan government. As well as this, the refugees were told that since the Malaysian government had not signed the 1951 Refugee Convention, they would not be given their rights as refugees. Hence, they decided to leave Malaysia on October 1, 2009 and try to sail to Australia in a wooden boat in the hope for a better life.
After over a week of sailing they were intercepted by the Indonesian Navy, and taken to the port of Indah Kiat in Indonesia. This is inline with the so-called “Indonesian solution” policy of the Australian government, where the Australian government funds the detention of asylum seekers in Indonesia, which, unlike Australia, has not signed the 1951 Refugee Convention and does not have a system for dealing with asylum seekers or refugees.
This meant the refugees were rightly fearful that the Indonesian government would try to deport them back to Sri Lanka where there lives would be at risk, rather than allowing them to get to Australia and apply for refugee status. Instead of going quietly, they refused to leave the ship and instead demanded to meet with the UNHCR to discuss their fate and the protection of their rights as refugees. They also are demanding that they be allowed continue their journey.
Shocking conditions of the refugees
However the Indonesian government has refused point blank to allow the UNHCR to visit the refugees, and has also banned any media from meeting them and reporting their story. In a letter from the refugees themselves they explain their situation since arriving in Indonesia:
“For the last month we have been waiting on the boat at sea with all sorts of difficulties and still we have not received any favorable outcome either from Australia or any country that respects human rights. The UNHCR, which is supposed to be an international organisation that looks after the plight of the refugees, has not only refused to recognise us as refugees, but has refused to treat us as human beings. This causes us immense suffering. We are also worried and afraid of the effect that the changes in the climate will have while we are still at sea.”
Now those that change in weather is really starting to put them in danger, with heavy rain falling on the boat which only has tarpaulin roof, torn in several spot which doesn't cover all the room. Despite the fact that more 30 of those on the boat are suffering from diarrhea and other illnesses, food and medical supplies have been denied to them. When food has been supplied it has been of terrible quality, sometimes with worms, small stones or even in one case a needle in it.
The refuges have also found no help from the so-called “international community”. For instance, Britain’s special envoy to Sri Lanka, Labour Party MP Des Browne supported the Australian and Sri Lankan governments and announced that: “We take the view that it is safe to return people, including Tamils, to Sri Lanka”.
International Solidarity
However they have got support from the Tamil Solidarity campaign and the Committee for a Workers’ International (the international organization the Socialist Party is in). The Tamil Solidarity campaign has linked in with the refugees and made this a key campaign of theirs, and the website of that campaign, is a great source of information on the situation. Members of our sister parties in Malaysia, Sri Lanka and Australia have been in contact and given support to the Tamils, with the Socialist Party of Australia highlighting the issue in Australian media.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Credentials of IC challenged while widespread rape by SLA alleged in Vavuniyaa

Sri Lanka Army (SLA) intelligence officers operating in the internment camps of Vanni have been allegedly involved in several rape cases during the past months. At least three cases of young victims, aged 14, 15 and 16, appeared in front of Vavuniyaa District Judge in October. SLA soldiers have also raped a 14-year-old mentally retarded Tamil girl inside the Vavuniyaa hospital. There have been many alleged rapes in Zone-2 and Zone 3 internment camps. A 17-year-old girl was reportedly raped by the SLA intelligence official who alleged that the girl was a former LTTE under-age cadre and threatened that she would be taken to detention centre where LTTE cadres were kept imprisoned. She was later sent to detention centre. There are also two other girls aged 17 and 19, who have been raped by the SLA officers. Evidences have come to light through primary and secondary sources and TamilNet refrains from revealing the sources due to security concerns. In the month of July, injured Tamil girls admitted in the Padawiya hospital were taken for naked open-air bath by Sinhala nurses using hose pipes to the amusement of Sinhala soldiers watching it, according to an eyewitness. Reports have also surfaced from several sources that an influential humanitarian worker attached to a global body has been making use of women, who have been struggling to find out the plight of their husbands detained by the SLA inside undeclared detention centres. "I was shocked to learn that there were also Tamils involved in rape cases with the support of the SLA intelligence personnel," an activist documenting the evidences told TamilNet on Monday. "We have three cases registered on this 'influential' international worker".In May, 2009, three dead bodies of young girls were located at the riverbed near the internment camp. The dead bodies were handed over to Vavuniyaa hospital. Eyewitnesses, who have seen the corpses, report that they identified bite marks and signs of sexual harassments.Recently, when US State Secretary Hillary Clinton condemned use of sexual violence as a tactic of war, declared rape by soldiers as a war crime and indicted Sri Lanka engaging in such a crime in the 'past', Sri Lankan authorities made a big noise in reaction. Sri Lanka's Prime Minister went to the extent of personally attacking the US State Secretary. "Everybody knows that it is not a past activity of Colombo, but an ongoing crime facilitated by the entire International Community by leaving hundreds of thousands in the camps at the mercy of a hostile army," said the exiled Tamil activist who is documenting the rape cases. "Sexual violence by the SLA is not confined to internment camps alone. The Colombo government is institutionalising the crime by creating hundreds of SLA mini-camps amidst populated areas of Tamils." "This is why the victim nation of Eezham Tamils have lost faith in the empty rhetoric of the International Community and the UN, which have no means of taking any action or providing protection even to those who make the complaint.""Humanitarian workers who have authentic evidences for the crime and for the perpetrators of the crime in the island, challenge the IC whether it can prove its credentials by taking action if evidences are provided to it," he further said.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Sri Lanka’s President Rajapaksa ‘feared coup’ after defeat of Tamil Tigers

President Rajapaksa of Sri Lanka was so afraid of a military coup after the defeat of the Tamil Tigers that he warned India to place its troops on high alert as recently as last month, according to the former head of the Sri Lankan Army. General Sarath Fonseka, who led the victorious campaign against the Tigers only to be sidelined two months later, made the allegation in a bitter resignation letter, seen by The Times yesterday.
General Fonseka, who was switched to the largely ceremonial role of Chief of Defence Staff in July, said the Government alerted India on October 15 that a coup was imminent, “unnecessarily placing Indian troops on high alert”.
“This action tarnished the image and reputation gained by the Sri Lankan Army as a competent and professional organisation capable of defeating a terrorist group,” he said.
After resigning, General Fonseka is now expected to challenge Mr Rajapaksa in a presidential election due by April.

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His letter drew no immediate response from Indian officials, while a Sri Lankan minister said only that the Government would study its contents. “The President has ordered a study of [Fonseka’s] letter and we will make a suitable response,” Mahinda Samarasinghe, the Human Rights Minister, told reporters.
Although the letter does not specify what action Mr Rajapaksa wanted India to take, the implication was that its troops should intervene in case of a coup.
India sent peacekeeping troops to Sri Lanka in 1987, but they were soon drawn into the fight with the Tigers, and withdrew in 1990. The Tigers then assassinated Rajiv Gandhi, the former Indian Prime Minister, in 1991.
The General’s letter reveals for the first time the rift that developed between the Army and Government after the end of the 26-year civil war in May.
It also adds to the charged political atmosphere in Sri Lanka since General Fonseka emerged as a potential challenger to Mr Rajapaksa, who has been riding a wave of popularity since the war ended.
General Fonseka is considered a national hero by most of the ethnic Sinhalese majority community and is therefore likely to split the ruling alliance’s support base in the elections.
Although he has a reputation as an outspoken Sinhalese nationalist, he criticised Mr Rajapaksa for failing to make peace with the ethnic Tamil minority since the Tigers’ defeat.
“Your excellency’s Government has yet to win the peace, in spite of the fact the Army under my leadership won the war,” he said

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

British MPs hail US initiative on Sri Lanka warcrimes

Joining international calls for a full independent investigation into alleged war crimes in Sri Lanka, a group of British Parliamentarians Tuesday welcomed the initiatives taken by the United States in this regard and urged the UK government to support Washington’s efforts. In a statement, the All Party Parliamentary Group for Tamils (APPG-T) welcomed US authorities questioning of Sri Lankan Army General Sarath Fonseka over the massacre of Tamil civilians in the closing months of the war this year